About 1,198,080 results (2,112 milliseconds)

latin for far/distant

Can anyone tell me of the latin prefix that means "far/distant"? ie the latin equivalent of the Greek "tele-". Timothy -- The above words are my words, ...

Brenner's Resources - Word Study

What does this punctuation symbol mean? All the while, read, re-read and re ... Greek and Latin Root Patterns. Greek and Latin Roots. The two packets ...

Medical Dictionary - Idiomatic Translations

The number of Latin root words in medicine is legion. I shall quote just a ... The most important Latin prefixes are listed below with their mean ings and a few ...

Filesystem vs file system

Apr 24, 1992 ... ("tele-" is Greek; "vision" is from the Latin.) And "automobile ... floccinaucinihipilificate is the longest root word in English....

The Arabic Origins of Common Yoruba Words

Its roots are located in the Arabic word for lamp, which is “fatil.” 15. Ijamba. Professor Baldi defines this word as “bodily harm,” but the meaning of the word ...

Humanities Week 15 - Google Slides

Determine the meaning of unknown words in informational text. ​. ​. ​. Essential Question: How do prefixes change the meaning of root words? ​. ​. Thursday/ ...


The root carries the most significant aspects of its primary meaning, to which prefixes and suffixes can be added for modification, such as hepat- (Greek = ...

Americanization of Norway

"Americanized", I'd say. Care to give us your *rough* definition/description of what *you* mean by the phrase, just so we can start out

JP2010182287A - Intelligent adaptive design - Google Patents

This word" analyzer is the closest to the English lecturer to the root of ... dictionary definition <1> 3u12 track / = Tracker tracking system. You can ...

On What We Know We Don't Know

In other words, the meaning of 'A does not understand q' requires that the ... 6This, of course, does not mean that the significance of what is in these texts.

Stop Stealing Sheep, 4th edition - Erik Spiekermann

word's meaning from such mini- mal information. While ascenders and descenders are vital for easy reading, they have to blend in so they don't attract ...

tamil word for airconditioner

While Selva Kumar's word is newly coined from root words, the other two ... from other language, this is what i mean by losing roots... >P.V. Viswanath.

plural of 'Linux'

all people everywhere. The catch is that "linux" is geek word and looks vaguely as though it ... from a latin root. Alas for your theory, he is Scandinavian. --

Apostrophes -- A Challenge

Related words are Latin _avus_, grandfather; _avunculus_, uncle; and ... John is not denying that "content" is used to mean "meaning". Bob's good ...

An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion

The word “sociology” is a combination of Greek and Latin and simply means civic studies. Of course, sociology is civic studies characterized by its own ...

US20200184278A1 - System and Method for Extremely Efficient ...

In plain words, a definition is cointensive if its meaning is a good fit ... In the cases that the mistaken word has a meaning, the mistake cannot be ...

The "Arthur Stone"

ways if you aren;t sure of the endings, Latin being what is. The slate is broken with a number of words missing and the writing does not run ... What they mean is ...

Traductor de Google

El servicio de Google, que se ofrece sin coste económico, traduce al instante palabras, frases y páginas web a más de 100 idiomas.

Friday, November 13, 2020, Tina ... - L.A.Times Crossword Corner

Nov 13, 2020 ... The word "nada" also has Latin roots. Other foreign words for ... The scoring average is on pace to set a record. Even Par may not make ...

Chapter of the Week - LotR Bk1 Ch6: "The Old Forest"

is not very helpful, being overly helpful ("Did you mean to search for: ... It _is_ "a scissors". I'm not sure exactly what you are critizing -- the latin word is