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Empty Skies - Chapter 3

“Wasn't it?” Rarity gasped. “What do you mean that wasn't-” Pinkie Pie's meaning suddenly became clear as cracks splintered across the ground. Huge, jagged ...

F/F/T3K15: The Brother's Adventure (New Year's Special, Part One)

"Hi, my name's Twilight Sparkle and your Pinkie Pie?" She asks. SC276 ... JofY: [Pinkie Pie] “What do hats even need protection from!?” SC276: [Pinkie ...

Natural Order 8

Twilight couldn't help but blush at the praise. Pinkie Pie would never say something mean about anypony, but when she said something nice she always meant it. “ ...

Cotton Candy Hearts

But most importantly of all, this was the busiest day of Pinkie-Pie's year. ... I'll find you, whoever you are, as sure as my name is Pinkamena Pie!” and ...

Batmare Begins (PART 1).docx

“If you say so Miss Pie” replied the tuxedo wearing Pony. Pinkie is a bit taken aback at hearing her last name. She would have forgotten it were it not so short ...

My Little Time Lord

... name. Pinkie Pie hadn't yet shaken the habit of calling her by her Derpy Hooves nickname, though hopefully she would at some point. "Networking smetworking ...

Simply Rarity (Full)

What does generosity mean to a Unicorn with everything and nothing? “Surprise!” Pinkie Pie yelled as she popped up in front of Rarity waving her hooves as ...

Friendship is...Life-Changing

“And what would that be?” she asked. Pinkie Pie hopped around the room, excited. “The circus is in town!” Pinkie answered. Spike suddenly appeared from ...

The Elements of Equestria Part 1.doc

Does that mean . . . " Pinkie Pie began. Twilight turned her head quickly,. "Not right now Pinkie. We love your parties, but this ...

115 - Feeling Pinkie Keen.docx

(She shows off each movement in the sequence as she names it.) Pinkie: That means the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow. Twilight: ...

Of Packages and Punches.docx

Pinkie Pie isn't name Balloons, after all.” “But there's a good chance that it will have something to do with their name?” Spike repeated the question.

The Mane Event

Twilight Sparkle turned to the doorway and saw her bright pink friend Pinkie Pie bursting into the room. ... “But that doesn't mean he has to be so blue all the ...

VAGABOND Part 2.doc

“What do you mean, Vagabond?” she asked meekly. Vagabond turned his ... “I'm Pinkie Pie, What's your name?” she asked. Fluttershy spoke up,. “He ...

CMC Chapter 5.doc

This assumedly was a given name for Pinkie Pie by the buffalo. The name didn't seem to affect Pinkie Pie at all. "What you just did was REALLY AWESOME! I mean ...

Uncharted Lands Chapter 2

“Did somepony say my name?” asked Pinkie Pie, party planner extraordinaire. Some more pieces fell into place in Drake's head. Dash was as quick as always to ...

F/F/T3K15: Snow days are forever

"Hmmm, Pinkie Pie, do ya know anypony bah the name of Secret Papah?" Asked ... What do you mean? I should thank you." SC276: That's supervillain speech ...

Mystery Equestria Theater 3000 (Ep #101: Griffy's Journey - Part 2)

> excited tone, "I'm Pinkamena Diane Pie! You can call me just Pinkie. > Pie or Pinkie!" Twilight Sparkle: [Pinkie Pie] Hello, my name is Pinkie Pie. You killed.

Past Sins Original Edit Community MST, Part One (2/2)

While Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie may take well to Nyx, I can only imagine ... Pinkie Pie was acting like Pinkie Pie, which meant she hadn't recognized Nyx, at ...

Patchwork: Chapter Three

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash... these names were foreign to me. Luna frowned. "You need to keep up on your current events. How about this, you are familiar ...

Torchwood: Ponyville

... mean I can't have sleepovers!” Luna half ... “Whatever,” said an annoyed Rainbow Dash, “And what the hay, why does Pinkie Pie get to name everything?