Moreover, the addition of “God” in a phrase that does not have “θεός” is not uncommon in the Bible. In translating “χρηματισμός (divine response)” the NIV and ...
I achieved everything I was meant to do. The sacrifices the priests offered did the job and God accepted them. And this said to Israel, 'Yahweh is really with ...
That's the best knowledge I had of the gospel. 1:10 - The gospel had nothing to do with transformation - transformation of nature. It had nothing to do with ...
Oct 3, 2024 ... Could you describe what you are missing to make it more suitable? Screenshots may help a lot to better understand what you mean. Best regards.
If you are an Old Testament believer in God, a member of Israel, and you worship God, and you want to show God you love Him, this is what you do. You worship ...
If the LXX is intending to accurately represent this understanding of the Hebrew, then τοῦτο indeed does refer back to feminine pronoun αὐτὴν ('her'), which ...
Nebuchadnezzar is at war with the Sovereign God of Heaven. But the Most High showed Nebuchadnezzar that he could and would protect his servants, the Hebrew ...
Matches any single character (letter, number, or symbol). 1. matches 10, 1A. 1.1 matches 111, 1A1. Examples ? Matches the preceding character 0 or 1 times.
That's what the Philistines did, but God's people must not copy them. God said the ark was meant to carried on poles on the shoulders of the priests (1 ...
Oct 28, 2019 ... 10/28/2019, 1:17:04 PM. Get link ... I supplied the number and Google would send a verification code to that number, which I received and supplied ...
1:10 - Subtle, shrewd attack - If truth is our best friend and truth makes us free... The enemy doesn't even push stuff like, "There's no God." More subtle - " ...
That is, it is a prayer that Philemon's partnership in the faith might enable him to know what is the best thing to do. There is a particular thing that ...
The Second Farewell: Long Speech and Tears to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20:16-38, 21:1-2). The second farewell speech is in Miletus, south of Ephesus. Paul has ...
Nov 3, 2024 ... Biblical numerology is the study of individual numbers in the scriptures. It particularly relates to the biblical meaning of numbers, ...
He just did it once. Once and for all. And it dealt with the forgiveness of all sins, past, present and future. The sins of Old Testament saints, the sins ...
Verse 9, we are thankful for our human father's discipline of us, even though it was imperfect. Verse 10, our human fathers did their best in disciplining us.
10-gonal plus one. Star Numbers themselves are in all actuality, nothing more than centered 12-gonal polygons (a very biblical point with twelve points around ...
... best school or university, if it meant others hearing the gospel? Could ... do it, but doing it meant that others would hear the gospel? All of these ...