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How do I stop Google maps from defaulting to fastest route - Google ...

Jul 29, 2019 ... You can find more information about submitting feedback and suggestions here. ... People need a mapping app that allows them to pick the ...

Science Fair - Which Drink is Best for Running?

What is the most effective method of preserving food? ... I then would take another cup of the drink seeing if one of them would regain my energy faster.

Google Sustainability: Sustainable Innovation & Technology

When you need to drive, Google Maps will let you choose the most fuel- or energy-efficient route—if it isn't already the fastest one, which can help reduce ...

Forget about gear - what is your number one ultralight habit? : r ...

Jan 13, 2021 ... The entire point of UL IMO is to carry less so you enjoy more. ... me it's food/sugar access. I happily accept I'll have heavier pack ...

Ask Anything Wednesday - Engineering, Mathematics, Computer ...

Jun 2, 2021 ... The most interesting part to me is exactly how Gödel does this, but ... Because it's irregular, there doesn't exist a simple formula to give me ...

Science Fair - Skittle Experiment

I am testing which liquid will get all of the color off a skittle the fastest. I used vinegar, seltzer water, lemon juice, water, and baking soda mixed with ...

Science Fair - What drink makes your hart beat recover the fastest

What is the most effective method of preserving food? ... Now, during my long distance running career, I will try to drink more Gatorade to hopefully give me an ...

Science Fair - What Drink Stains Your Teeth the Most?

I did this experiment by leaving hard boiled eggs in room temperature iced tea tea, coke, and coffee for two days. Then after the two days were up I took them ...

Science Fair - The Effect of Music While You Work

Does music help a person work faster and concentrate more than without music? Conclusion. Overall, the experiment went smoothly but took quite a while to finish ...

7-Eleven: Rewards & Shopping - Apps on Google Play

Join. Earn. Get Rewarded. SHOP & EARN REWARDS Get rewards points on your everyday purchases when you scan your app barcode*, then browse our rewards menu ...

How do I get my business to appear in "near me" searches ...

May 15, 2019 ... Hi SILICON ENERGY ... I'm suffering the same as I'm a mile plus from my restaurant but near me pulls up Wendy's and a slew of other fast food ...

Science Fair - Growing Gummy Bears

Then I got 5 bowls and filled them each with one cup of either diet coke, water, lemonade, orange juice, and milk. Next I let them sit for 24 hours. Then I took ...

Eating for the Climate is Easy - - The Adirondack Almanack

Apr 2, 2021 ... I bet you the comparison will tell you a lot about the quality of fast food. ... It gives me more hope for the future. Vanessa says: April ...

Thoughts on the SSA Cross Country Development Camps

Unfortunely energy lines are never , ever 6 lanes highways. For this reason some wining teams use sling team flying. You fly in front of me as fast as you can.

Maximum Number of Responses on Google Forms - Google Docs ...

Sep 21, 2019 ... If you are expecting a large number of responses linking to a spreadsheet is good practise as that gives a more robust backup of your data.

Science Fair - Rube Goldberg Machine

After that is, kinetic to gravitational potential energy, the gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy. I think that my project could have been more ...

Science Fair - Spicy Relief

I was trying to figure out how other foods help with cooling your mouth down after eating spicy food and the winning food is ice cream. Hypothesis. If you eat ...

Science Fair - Freezing Time for Liquids

I believe the Water will freeze the fastest because is one of the most dense liquids out of all of them. I choose this topic because I believe it seems very ...

Campfire | Population Growth Must Stop - The Oil Drum

Jun 30, 2010 ... One of the most haunting lines to me from David Price's Energy and ... Think about it, eating more when you are already full, just because food ...