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Grease on cloths from washer or dryer???

The stains are almost impossible to remove from clothing. Also, as the oil is leaking up, hot soapy water is leaking down into the transmission, which will ...

How To Remove Chair Lift Grease stains from Gore Tex Jackets?

You can use "shout" or any of the laundry stain remover products like that, and wash it regularly with detergent.

Style on the bike

The shorts just get soaked through with sweat, the fabric gets plastered to ... I get 98% of the grease out of my pants this way. I didn't learn about ...

How to get a grease stain out of patio brick?

get a grease stains out of the patio bricks. Our grill leaked and we have ... I use the stuff on black grease on clothes, and it completely removes the ...

Elena's Threads - Washing with Urine

After a total of 72 hours the fleece came out much whiter, cleaner, and less greasy, just as if I had washed them with water and soap in a modern method, but ...

Re: Lubricant for spar pins

Damn hard to wash off your clothes though. chuck's profile photo. chuck ... There's really no need to use grease from Mars or Uranus... On 1/7/2018 4:54 ...

Trumpet Cleaning Question

Jan 13, 1998 ... grease from transferring to the valves and casing during cleaning. ... each piston, and a soft soapy wash cloth to clean the outside of each

Trumpet Cleaning

grease from transferring to the valves and casing during cleaning. Silicone ... abrasives, but the cloth that I apply it with always gets black, which

Biweekly Assistance Post! Ask Anything Detailing Related That You ...

Jul 8, 2021 ... I guess I forgot to explain the problem, after a rain my car will be covered in water beads that don't roll off. I'll get on the freeway and ...

Antenna connector corrosion

Mar 7, 2013 ... Alconox isn't going to do anything except temporarily clean the grease >> ... to get the combination off when you take the joint apart.

Does the Pixelbook trackpad have an oleophobic coating? - Google ...

Oct 30, 2019 ... Or is it just the grease from my fingers? I'm planning on using a weak detergent mixture very soon since I don't have IPA or IPA wipes ...


... grease” and more second applications to get the same results. ... I've also used the duster spray (like what's used on computer keyboards, etc.) to clean off the ...

Biweekly Assistance Post! Ask Anything Detailing Related That You ...

Jul 8, 2021 ... I guess I forgot to explain the problem, after a rain my car will be covered in water beads that don't roll off. I'll get on the freeway and ...

Review: Premium Bicycle Commuter Gear from Levis, Outlier ...

Nov 23, 2012 ... ... get any grease on them or snag them on the gear's teeth. The slim ... I don't get the point of this softshell though – having a t shirt ...

Strange fingerprints on windows

Gone, Goof-off and Turpentine. With tons of elbow grease, I'm able to get the fingerprints off - with no one product obviously dissolving whatever the ...

Greasing the rods on my Replicator 2

I'm still used to having grease zerks on all my bearings and pumping mineral oil base EP2 directly into the races until clean grease oozes out. But that was ...

Science Fair - What stain remover works best?

hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the shout stain remover would work the best. Procedure: The first thing I did was cut out cloth into the shape of little tiny ...

Science Fair - Cleaning Power of Detergents

... laundry detergent to see which one will remove the stains the best. I think ... The hardest stain to remove was the grease because none of the detergents got it ...


Should I remove the stocks and handle them separately? What you're looking at is green and viscous and called cosmoline. It is a heavy grease used to protect ...

Lessons Learned Replacing Bearings and Seal on a Whirlpool Duet ...

Jul 20, 2012 ... If the bearing seal is difficult to remove then leave it in place and remove the outer bearing. ... grease just out of habit when doing auto ...