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Pollyanna Chapter 08

... many times to ejaculate "What an extraordinary child! ... You wouldn't be glad for black hair nor anything else--if you had to lie here all day as I do!

Advanced HCYOA (text-only) v0.3

Many people submit to masters in the hope that they will be degraded to the point of being allowed to orgasm from time to time. Orgasm denial and unsatisfying ...

CN105232178A - Artificial insemination method of Muscovy duck ...

... times a week, two to three weeks in total, after insemination training, performing insemination three to five times a week, once a day, in the same way as ...

A Vasectomy Experience

around after the second day and get back to work too soon and not to try it ... > the doctor expect sperm will return to your ejaculate after this

WO2019018656A1 - Efficacy of a gastro-retentive bile acid ...

... times/day) as rescue medicine when their heartburn becomes intolerable. ... [00477] [If yes], how many times did you wake up last night after falling asleep?

Fix Google Assistant screenshot settings - Google Assistant Help

If the Google Assistant won't take screenshots, try these steps to fix the issue: On your Android phone or tablet, open the Settings app . Tap Apps and then ...


multiple orgasms without ejaculating. This is energizing and not deleterious. ... just a few ejaculations, if it hasn't been too long, and you won't feel tired ...

WO2014080283A2 - Male testosterone titration methods, male ...

... twice a day and three times a day) in hypogonadal men. 8.2 Secondary ... often did you ejaculate***? Please check one box only. No sexual stimulation ...

US20050215858A1 - Tubular personal pelvic viewers - Google ...

I am concerned because too often they lead to physical damage and even death. ... A woman should analyze her mucus several times a day and keep an accurate ...

US6896653B1 - Personal pelvic viewer - Google Patents

I am concerned because too often they lead to physical damage and even death. ... A woman should analyze her mucus several times a day and keep an accurate ...

WO2014080282A2 - One-and two-point titration methods to ...

wherein, if the serum testosterone ng/dl concentration measurement is (i) less than the target serum testosterone level, titrating the twice daily intranasal ...

US10111888B2 - Intranasal 0.15% and 0.24% testosterone gel ...

In males the condition is often related to delayed ejaculation. Anorgasmia can often cause sexual frustration. Anorgasmia is far more common in females than in ...

Treatment for Premature Ejection or Early Ejaculation Problems ...

May 21, 2020 ... The same condition happens with them after marriage too. When they make sexual relation with their wives on the first time after marriage, they ...

US20190369110A1 - Methods for improving fertility in artificial ...

IUI insemination (introduction of washed sperm into the uterus) should occur during a period of time when sperm Fc receptor (FcR) expression is going ...

Fiqh us Sunnah Summer 2011 - Shakeel Mahate

Those are the evidences that the people who say it is not obligatory to make ghusl if you do not ejaculate rely on. ... How many times are you supposed to make ...

US5545401A - Antiviral, spermicidal vaginal gel and foam ...

Iodide ion is often added to increase solubility of iodine in water. This increase takes place by the formation of triiodide, I 2 +I - =I 3 -. An aqueous ...

Fasting Rules from Islamic Law books (Mainly from Ayatullah ...

... time on that day, and you have to do Qaza of 1st of. Ramadan later on. (c) ... If you start your journey after Zawal time (Islamic mid-day) in Ramadan ...

CN103041263A - Traditional Chinese medicine rectal ...

If you're searching forseat belts, you could also search for B60R22/00 ... time 4, every day 3 times, serve on for 4 weeks. 1.6 efficacy determination.

US20120052930A1 - System and method for the heros journey ...

... I always wondered what would happen if Lew Rockwell became a game designer. ... if I have to die many times.”—Socrates' Apology But too, the rebellion hath ...