About 1,060,172 results (1,660 milliseconds)

proposal: don't warn on uninteresting calls

You can imagine how happy he/she will be. In my experience, this is among the top of the gripes people have about Google Mock, and it's understandably so. We ...

Should we officially deprecate GMock?

Even worse, because it is easy to add behavior into a Gmock object, I've seen people script a mock with a long sequence of calls/results. The test now has moved ...

Using NiceMock?

There seem to be a bunch of tests that use mocks, but have unexpected uninteresting calls. I'd prefer people used NiceMock<> for these, because the (irrelevant) ...

mocks expecting no calls

I'm looking for a clean way to set up a test which will fail only if a specific mock function is called. I don't really care what other functions get called.

Qt signal slots and gmock

- You shouldn't be explicitly calling gmock functions like gmock_rxsignal(). ... > - Is the rxsignal() method you're mocking virtual? > > Perhaps someone ...

Using Moq to Mock void methods

Feb 3, 2011 ... SubmitChanges is called. Then your code under test is Foo.Save(IContext context). and your dependency is IContext. You can mock your ...

When people mock my mask wearing : r/AdviceAnimals

May 10, 2020 ... Their liberty is almost always at someone else's expense or someone else's risk. They ... called me as angry as I've ever heard him. It ...

The future of Isolation frameworks, and how Moq isn't it (for now ...

Jun 27, 2012 ... The future is loose, not strict mocks. Loose mocks don't care how many times something was called. so if you say that method stub returns 3, it ...

Clean Coder - Mocking Mocking and Testing Outcomes

Jan 23, 2010 ... ... I call The Mount Everest Syndrome: “I use it because it's there. ... ” The more mocking frameworks that appear, the more I see them ...

Newbie questions

I just ran across jOOQ after searching for ways to mock JDBC access. Specifically, I am trying to test cross-database support for calling stored procedures.

Mock Objects and Test Design/Clean Tests

"Now there is this thing called mockist versus stateist. If you ever heard this discussion before, about people who use mock objects versus people who dislike ...

feature request - mockito stubs to return "intelligent" null to avoid NPEs

earlier test might fail with a NPE. What happens is I refactor the constructor MyFarm() to MyFarm(Cowshed cowshed), passing in a mock for cowshed. Then myFarm ...

Re: [mockito] Odd Injection Behaviour

> explain to see if anyone can see a rookie mistake. > > I was using ... (which is what you have done my calling mock(ClassToBeInjected.class). Your ...

Sinon.JS - Google Groups

Hi all, I am hoping someone will be able to help me out with a small issue. I am trying to stub out. unread,. Stubbing/Mocking undefined properties.

Test Doubles: My current approach | Mark Needham

Jul 14, 2009 ... ... we don't want to verify those outputs. Most of the time I make use of the mocking library's ability to stub out method calls on these

AtMost obsolete in v4

I'm using Moq v4. I have a strict Mock, with a few setup methods that should be called only once. At the end I do a VerifyAll(). Mock<IFoo> fooMock = new ...

Default Return Values

Mar 6, 2008 ... If you call a method returning an int or boolean ... Can you show us a *real* example where you find returning mock instead of null useful?

Clean Coder - Manual Mocking - Resisting the Invasion of Dots and ...

Oct 28, 2009 ... As you point out, Uncle Bob, the example is a stub, not a mock. Mock frameworks exist to generate mocks, not stubs, but people use them for ...

Mockito.atLeast(0), want 0 to many times

to mockito. So I'm trying to verify that a method is called 0 to many times. Here is what I've tried so far:

When did Cruelty become entertainment? | The Gazette

Nov 13, 2022 ... There has always been what we called the “bully.” The person who makes fun of someone who had a difficult time defending themselves. But ...