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CN202665750U - Artificial nasal bone structure - Google Patents

Claims (5). Hide Dependent. translated from · 1. an artificial nose bone structure is made of flexible material, in order in the nose of implant into body to ...

CN2760888Y - Nasal bone conduction wireless communication ...

Abstract. translated from ... The bone conduction input device converts the sound wave generated by the resonance of the nasal cavity into the electric waves, and ...

US7555136B2 - Nasal bone conduction wireless communication ...

The oscillator 20 of the bone conduction inputting device 2 is provided to convert the electrical wave converted from the oscillating wave generated by the ...

‪Benjamin Caughlin MD, FACS‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Laryngeal Mask Airway versus Endotracheal Tube Intubation for Repairing of Nasal bone Fracture: A 7 Year Single Institution Case-Control Study. BP Caughlin ...

CN1791283B - Nasal bone conduction hearing aid - Google Patents

The disclosed nasal bone conduction hearing aid comprises: a tuning and control equipment to receive and treat external sound signal, a bone-skin conduction ...

G10L 17 - Speaker identification or verification - Patents Sitemap

WO2007109989A1 A nasal bone conduction living body voiceprint identifying device. 10/04/2007, US20070233498 Methods for evaluating near-term suicidal risk ...

‪Selina Dong‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Epidemiology of nasal bone fractures. SX Dong, N Shah, A Gupta. Facial Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Medicine 24 (1), 27-33, 2022. 12, 2022. Synchronous vs ...

‪Ali A. Muttalib Mohammed‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Identification of Nasal Bone Fracture by Ultrasonography Versus Plain Lateral X-Ray View. IG Mahmood, AAM Mohammed. The Iraqi Borad for Medical Specialization ...

US6264669B1 - Rhinoplasty instruments - Google Patents

... nose and for performing lateral osteotomy of the nasal bones. As is known, beneath the skin of the nose there is the nasal bone, extending from the halfway ...

WO2015107543A2 - A nasal splint and a method of fixing the nasal ...

... nose which keeps the nasal envelope along with the attached fractured fragments of the nasal framework well supported under the nasal dorsum in a fractured bone ...

University of Michigan Medical School - S11 Nasal Cavity, Sinuses ...

The inferior nasal concha is the largest and most substantial of the nasal conchae, and are not components of another bone. Occasionally, there are highest ( ...

‪Changryul Claud Yi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Comparison study of the use of absorbable and nonabsorbable materials as internal splints after closed reduction for nasal bone fracture. CR Yi, YJ Kim, H Kim, ...

‪Prof.Dr. Naci Karacaoğlan‬ - ‪Google Académico‬

Use of iliac bone graft for saddle nose deformity. N Karacaoğlan, OA Uysal ... Hemangioma of the Nasal Bones: Patient Report. N Karacaoglan, L Eroglu, N ...

‪Berke Özücer‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Current updates in nasal bone reshaping. B Ozucer, O Özturan. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery 24 (4), 309-315, 2016. 11, 2016. Le ...

‪Ibrahim Ilker Oz‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Relationship between the degree and direction of nasal septum deviation and nasal bone morphology. I Serifoglu, İİ Oz, M Damar, MC Buyukuysal, A Tosun, Ö ...

US10980631B2 - Nasal implants and systems and method of use ...

Laterally, nasal bone 4 a joins the maxilla at its frontal process 6 to form a fibrous joint at the maxilla nasal bone suture line 7 (or nasomaxillary suture ...

US20100049207A1 - Jones tube inserter - Google Patents

... nasal bone to maintain the integrity; d. add an antihistamine, if necessary, to shrink the surrounding tissue and allowed to set; e. reinsert the Jones Gold ...

‪Hyunwoo Kyung‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

The efficacy of hyaluronidase in early surgery of nasal bone fracture. JH Kim, H Yang, SH Oh, SH Song, H Kyung. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 30 (7), e617 ...

‪K.Selvam‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Recognition of Human Face Using Mandible-Ramus-Nasal Bone. K Selvam, B Poorna. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 9 (4), 199-202, ...