About 1,450,313 results (4,370 milliseconds)

Post-Doctoral Fellows - Ice Research Laboratory

Years: 2011-2013 Advisor: Baker. Project Title: Strain-Induced Fabric Development in Ice under Hydrostatic Pressure. Andrew Fortt.


Project title: CEO reputation Big Data project. Hyundai Motor Group. August 2022-November 2022. Role: PI. Total award: $80,000. Project title: Smart factory ...

File Code Grantee/Project Community Project Title

Grantee / Project. Community. Project Title / Final Deliverables. 1B-05 Portland. Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan. 1D-05 Clackamas County.

STLP24 Level 1 Regionals Info - step 3

Digging into the 7 Guiding Questions from Level 1 Rubric. Developing a "working" project title and using STLP Logo. Building your Project Progress Report ...

1265 Montecito Avenue Residential Project City/County

Jul 22, 2022 ... Project Title: 1265 Montecito Avenue Residential Project. City/County: City of Mountain View, County of Santa Clara, California. Public Review ...

Nested List, show Level 1 only if Level 2 exists

Is ist possible to show only those projects, of which tiddlers with the tags project-title and CAD exist? Eric Shulman's profile photo ...

Subhamay Saha - Student Supervision

Btech Projects Supervised: Dhruvesh Bhure and Dev Sandip Shah (2023-24). Project Title: Credit Derivatives.

Li-Chen Ou - Research projects

Project title: Influences of image chroma in virtual reality on visually induced motion sickness and changes in heart rate and pupil size.

How to reference project title ? What is the substitute for project title?

I am new sphinx and I am trying to find a substitute/variable for title defined in conf.py ( under project = 'sth'). How am I able to do this?

KICT Final Year Project - Existing Project Titles

Kulliyyah of Information, Communication, and Technology,. International Islamic University Malaysia,. Jalan Gombak, 53100, Kuala Lumpur.

Unable to rename a Place Title after adding a fearure to my project ...

Jul 25, 2024 ... After searching for a landmark and selecting "Add to Project", I am unable to add or rename the title without first pressing the "update info?" button.

SRC - Projects/Funding

Project Title: Memristor- FPGA hybrid hardware system for brain inspired analog computing. Funding Agency: Ministry of Electronics and Information ...

Webpage of Burak Uras - Grants & Awards

Research Grants. Principal Investigator for a Dutch Research Council (NWO) Open Competition Grant (2023-2028; 400,000 Euros). Project Title: Revamping ...

Rajat Subhra Chakraborty - Research Funding

IIT Kharagpur AI4CPS I Hub Foundation. Project Title: “Malware Executable Detection and Classification through Visualization and Machine Learning”.

Ruchira Naskar - Fundings

Project Title: “Affective recognition from human facial videos for fighting DeepFakes and validation by correlation with human physiological signals”.

Oak Knoll Science Fair - Do Your Project

1. Project Title. The title goes on the header board that is clipped to your display board. · 2. Your Name, Grade, and Teacher's name. Should go directly under ...

nadirshah82 - Research Projects

Awarded. 1.Project Title: ALIVE - ArtificiaL Intelligence for Improving the Performance of Software Defined Vehicular Network-based Fog computing ...

yWriter Wiki - Rename a Project

yw5 file. The project title displayed at the top of the main screen. You can change one without changing the other, but to avoid confusion, ...

KW Fu - CV

Principal Investigator, Project title: "WeChatscope: 'hacking' China's online censored messages", Open Technology Fund 2018-2019 (US$121,800). Co-Direcrtor ...

Chi-Tsun, Cheng - Students and Alumni

Master of Engineering/MSc students (Master Projects). JAMIL Fraz [RMIT, Master Research Project, Graduated in 2023]. Project title - "An Industry 4.0 Sensing ...