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Predicting Mortality Risk | Harvard Medical School

Sep 23, 2020 ... A standard test that assesses variations in red blood cell volume can identify hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who are at elevated risk ...

US9096885B2 - Method and apparatus for determining white blood ...

... blood cell count is high. In one embodiment the method includes steps of ... Further, methods may include determining, using a computer, a count of red blood ...

WO2014149310A1 - A flow-through cell counting assay - Google ...

[008] An increased or decreased total white blood cell count ... 2018 Automated nucleated red blood cell count using the Mindray BC‐6800 hematology analyzer.

Anemia in Adults: A Contemporary Approach to Diagnosis

In contrast, microcytic anemia associated with increased red blood cell count is characteristic of the thalassemia trait. How- ever, it should be remembered ...

US6784981B1 - Flow cytometry-based hematology system - Google ...

... red blood cell count and hematocrit are low. The presence of an increased ... For example, elevated numbers of abnormal white blood cells may indicate ...

US10223787B2 - System and method for fetal and maternal red ...

(KB) test (Z. Y. Wang, J. W. Shi, Y. L. Zhou, and C. G. Ruan, “Detection of red blood cell-bound immunoglobulin G by flow cytometry and its application in the ...

WO2001053830A2 - Diagnostic method involving haemoglobin ...

... raised white blood cell count and/or neutrophil count). Such diseases ... levels, red blood cell count or haemoglobin levels; and c. using the level ...

US4358394A - Process for preparing whole blood reference ...

High background counts contributed by excess debris cannot be tolerated. ... count, mean cell volume and red blood cell distribution width. The process ...

US20170023556A1 - Paper Based Diagnostic Test - Google Patents

Blood plasma separation is a particularly important step for a colorimetric assay because the intense color of the red blood cells (“RBCs”) in the whole blood ...

US9096885B2 - Method and apparatus for determining white blood ...

WBC analysis techniques may involve calculating certain RBC measures using a reticulocyte module of a hematology analyzer. Blood samples from patients who come ...

US6942859B2 - Red blood cells covalently bound with polymers ...

While increased RBC survival alone would be beneficial for various kinds of chronic anemia, the combination of reduced blood viscosity and enhanced RBC survival ...

US8815537B2 - Method for determining a complete blood count on ...

... high and very low red blood cell counts and white blood cell counts. TABLE 1. Invention, Sysmex, Invention, Sysmex. Count, Count, Count, Count. Specimen, RBC × ...

Don't like blood tests? New microscope uses rainbow of light to ...

May 21, 2012 ... ... high white blood cell count, before a patient develops severe medical problems. ... May 21, 2020 — Red blood cells sometimes rupture when ...

How to interpret your lab ... - Houston Thyroid & Endocrine Specialists

White Blood Count (WBC) is the number of white cells. High WBC can be ... Abnormal findings would include more than 0-2 red blood cells, more than 0-2 ...

WO2002037101A2 - A method to determine an engrafting cell dose ...

... red blood cell (NRBC) count as part of the total nucleated cell (NC) count, - and determining the number of white blood cells (WBCs) as transplant relevant

US9638621B2 - Method for discriminating red blood cells from white ...

The CELL-DYN® Sapphire® hematology analyzer, as another example, presently offers a test selection (requiring yet another aliquot of sample in addition to those ...

US7651474B2 - Method and apparatus for leukoreduction of red ...

Samples for Nageotte counts were taken from the high-crit filtered red cells ... blood components including the high hematocrit red blood cell component;. an ...

US5858789A - Method for making a reticulocyte assay control ...

... red blood cell count). The concentrate can be combined with a diluent ... levels representing normal, moderately high, and very high levels of reticulocytes.

US4213876A - Multi-purpose blood diluent for use in electronic ...

The procaine hydrochloride serves to stabilize the red blood cell volume. Sodium sulfate serves to eliminate turbidity due to elevated white blood cell counts ...