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‪Sheri Oz‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Unknown affiliation - ‪‪Cited by 337‬‬ - ‪child sexual abuse‬ - ‪childhood sex abuse‬ - ‪trauma therapy‬

Kevin Biniazan Sexual Assault Lawyer Virginia Beach, VA ...

Survivor-Centered Therapy: Recommended Sex Trauma Therapists in Virginia. As a seasoned sexual abuse attorney in Virginia, I've dedicated my professional life ...

‪Nicholas Holder‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

How do gender and military sexual trauma impact PTSD symptoms in cognitive processing therapy and prolonged exposure? AJ Khan, N Holder, Y Li, B Shiner, E ...

Frederick, MD Massage Therapist Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you or someone you care about has experienced sexual abuse by a massage therapist, Blank Kim Injury Law is here to offer support. Our skilled Frederick ...

‪Juliet Grayson‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Tackling Child Sexual Abuse (5/5): One Therapist's Experience of Working with Sexual Offenders. J Grayson. https://www.pesi.co.uk/Blog/2019/December/Tackling- ...

Handbook of Clinical Intervention in Child Sexual Abuse - Suzanne ...

Contents ; Family Treatment Suzanne M Sgroi. 241 ; Arts Therapy with Sexually Abused Children. 269 ; Law Enforcement and Child Sexual Abuse. 309.

Moderators of treatment response to trauma‐focused cognitive ...

Sep 20, 2016 ... Scale-up of TF-CBT is warranted given the wide range of effectiveness and prevalence of child sexual abuse. Future randomized trials of ...

Dover, DE Massage Therapist Sexual Abuse Lawyer

If you or someone you care about has been a victim of sexual abuse by a massage therapist, you have every right to pursue justice and compensation for the ...

The Use of the Creative Therapies with Sexual Abuse Survivors ...

The Use of the Creative Therapies with Sexual Abuse Survivors ... This book is a useful reference for anyone seeking to provide therapy to survivors of sexual ...

Object Relations Therapy of Physical and Sexual Trauma - Jill ...

The Scharffs draw from their object relations therapy with individuals, families, and couples recovering from trauma and abundance of relevant clinical examples ...

Middletown, DE Massage Therapist Sexual Abuse Lawyer

The Sharma Law Firm in Middletown, DE specializes in representing victims of massage therapist sexual abuse. If you or a loved one has experienced this type ...

Ervin Nevitt Chicago, IL Sexual Assault Lawyer - Illinois Clergy ...

But with the support of understanding communities, clergy abuse attorneys, and dedicated therapists, the journey toward healing and justice becomes a tangible ...

‪Sally V Hunter‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Understanding the complexity of child sexual abuse: A review of the literature with implications for family counseling. SV Hunter. The Family Journal 14 (4), ...

‪Ky Chard‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... therapy for veterans with PTSD related to military sexual trauma. A Surís, J Link‐Malcolm, K Chard, C Ahn, C North. Journal of traumatic stress 26 (1), 28-37, ...

‪Bonnie Meekums‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

A creative model for recovery from child sexual abuse trauma. B Meekums. The Arts in Psychotherapy 26 (4), 247-259, 1999. 121*, 1999. Erratum to:“Dance movement ...

Resolving Sexual Abuse: Solution-focused Therapy and Ericksonian ...

Yvonne Dolan works from the assumption that, despite the traumas they have endured, clients have the inner resources to create uniquely effective solutions to ...

The Use of Art in Counselling Child and Adult Survivors of Sexual ...

... sexual symptoms techniques themes theory therapeutic issues trauma understanding United Kingdom verbal victimisation women. References to this book. Focusing ...

Jeff Gibson Indianapolis, IN Sexual Assault Lawyer - Your ...

Resources for Sexual trauma Therapists and Organizations Helping Survivors · Experienced Indiana Doctor Sexual Abuse Lawyer - Abuse Attorneys · Indiana Clergy ...

‪Danielle Lauricella‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

ER Jones, D Lauricella, C D'Aniello, M Smith, J Romney. Contemporary Family Therapy 44 (2), 167-175, 2022. 11, 2022. Perceptions of sexual trauma severity ...

‪Craig Springer‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Journal of child sexual abuse 24 (3), 217-237, 2015. 29, 2015. Game-based cognitive-behavioral therapy individual model for child sexual abuse. C Springer, JR ...