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My first perm with SIR

Add the fact that its spanning bridge is the third longest floating bridge in the world (and you all know I have a thing for bridges), and it connects to ...

Hot Rods - Lightspeed Magazine

Throwdowns, throwbacks, who can go the longest, fastest, hardest. But ... Back before the world clocked up past three degrees and warming. Back when ...

SFR 400k ride report

Apr 25, 2012 ... This 400k ride represents the third ride of 4 rides in a randonneur series (200k, 300k, 400k, 600k). The 400k would be the longest ride of

Amazon — Google Arts & Culture

The largest area drained, the most water carried, possibly the longest river in the world—that is the Amazon. This great river also has as many as 15,000 ...

Major Rivers Of The British Isles - The English Channel

The channel is also home to the world's third largest natural harbour, the ... The three tunnel system, which was six years in the building, from 1988 ...

AC Valhalla's main story is as long as AC Syndicate, Unity, and ...

May 17, 2021 ... The last few installments have consistently increased in length, but I would ... third of the game. It's not like I grind the games either ...

Based Solely Off Previous Releases We Should Get a Pre ...

Jul 3, 2018 ... ... longest announce days after that adding longest days from announcement to release after that. ... As an arena player, ToT was the best thing ever.

Bible Errors - Shredding the Gospels: Contradictions, Errors ...

... empty tomb but does not say had seen the risen Jesus. I mention this because ... But crossing to the east bank of the river would have put him outside of Judea ...

Simple/Short/Silly History Questions Saturday, October 30, 2021 : r ...

Oct 30, 2021 ... So why would the Third Reich have been any different? Obviously nuclear weapons change that dynamic greatly from the second world war though.

..Coffee's Gold Standard of the Naruto Fandom

Dirt and Ashes has easily the best characterisation of Hidan I've ever read, building him as a three-dimensional character who's so much more than “YES VIOLENCE ...

FastSpring: Bootstrapped And Profitable By Powering Sales Of ...

May 3, 2011 ... Andrew: So which company did you launch and sell to Digital River? Dan: Not me, so the other three partners. Andrew: I see, ...

Astro Safari World - Route 66 in a $250 van

Cycling the length would take minimum of three weeks covering over 100 miles ... River. Confusion with a permit sign at the pavilion caused me to err ...

Language Translator iGlot - Apps on Google Play

Free Translator Translate all languages! Easily translate the most spoken languages in the United States:

Where does Photography end and Graphic Design begin?

You can of course argue that the third image could have been a photo of ... The earth's atmosphere is the world's largest diffusion filter. I believe ...


>weakling sorcerer can carry three sets of plate armor and 7 helms, >something is wrong in the world.

before19 - The Test

He told me once about how the soccer coach at his school said that a spot would be given to the boy who ran on the track the longest, without stopping. David ...

Six dead, several others injured in train crash on Danish bridge ...

Jan 2, 2019 ... "An empty truck trailer on a carriage seems to have fallen off. ... It is the third-longest suspension bridge in the world, measuring ...

Have you ever gone on a solo trip? If so, where and how did it go? : r ...

May 28, 2021 ... I backpacked solo through Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and India. Time of my GD life. I was terrified to travel solo initially but once I did ...

It's All Wheeler on Chickamauga - Major League Fishing

The Tennessee pro was making the longest run of anyone in the Top 10, more ... Lawrence River. Image for Top 10 Baits from the St. Lawrence River. August ...

Chapter of the Week: The Hobbit, Chapter 9 - Barrels Out of Bond

what business? the elves are the third people we learn about who live inside a mountain - the others were dwarves and goblins. does this land have very porous