Nov 3, 2019 ... ... words on a page and not watching a movie. But somewhere along the way something happened. I read a book now and I feel so hollow it hurts my ...
To me, the word 'void' connotes depression and an empty feeling, which I tried to evoke in this piece. I got the idea to paint playing cards like tarot cards ...
The word “seethes” seems to mean ... In contrast, the author uses the wind to show how empty and hopeless he feels in prison (in the first two stanzas).
These words show that nothing makes man's heart as happy as another heart like his own, a heart which loves him and takes away his sense of being alone.
Very few words placed on a blank page can work as effectively as this one—in fact, most fail completely—but this particular word contains multitudes, for those ...
I hope there's a feeling of sadness or emptiness here. The house across the street from where I live was recently foreclosed on, and had a big white ...
feel empty in the cold. as we walked home. through our only great. abundance ... The word "ghosts" in line 26 probably refers to. A) imaginary possessions.
Jul 10, 2015 ... It's such a common feeling to be misunderstood. But from you there's ... The words are from Jonathan Veira's song Empty Page. One of the ...
Mar 2, 2018 ... Words like "hygge," (pronounced "hue-gah"), which is the Danish word for coziness, or the Swedish word "lagom," which means a feeling of "just ...
Jul 22, 2020 ... But I have a feeling that your goal might be to actually MANUally ... word "Break" every nth row instead of a blank? J. Jean-Pierre ...
The Lord does not reserve this phrase for certain friends of his, no; he addresses it to “all” those who are weary and overwhelmed by life. And who could feel ...
Jill Briscoe offers hope and comfort for those times in life when we feel empty and tired. ... Word Pub., 1988. ISBN, 0849906466, 9780849906466. Length, 171 ...
Jun 25, 2013 ... ... feel most lost and most empty.... indeed, Lord, You are THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE. Thank You for being MY Resurrection and My Life too.
Empty Skies - Chapter 3. Empty Skies. Chapter 3: Heart of the Night ... Perhaps there simply was no word capable of describing what she was feeling ...
Jul 21, 2020 ... On January 30, 2020, I boarded Southwest flight 1713 from Las Vegas to Austin. I woke up with an empty feeling. I always got this feeling as ...
The Lord does not reserve this phrase for certain friends of his, no; he addresses it to “all” those who are weary and overwhelmed by life. And who could feel ...
We simply see it, touch it, taste it, hear it, and smell it through the words—and thus feel it. ... empty. In English, haiku objectively suggests a moment ...
fault" on this album "is his lack of feeling for the words...he simply rolls ... The last straw was finding the empty soup container in the kitchen ...
... feel all alone. Don't even do somebody that injustice. Their value is more ... That was the best phrase I could ever come up with when I studied out the word.