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Researchers identify mechanism behind structural birth defects in ...

Sep 10, 2021 ... About 300,000 to 400,000 fetuses per year from mothers with diabetes develop neural tube defects - when the tissue that eventually forms the ...

Diabetes Incidence and Historical ... - Diabetes and the Environment

Genes probably do play a role in the geographical variations in type 1 diabetes incidence around the world. Yet even some studies find that genetics do not ...

New approach to prevent diabetes-induced birth defects ...

Aug 28, 2013 ... ... babies in the United States are born with a birth defect. ... development of type 2 diabetes, uncovering the potential existence of major ...

The INGR1D 2 study

INGR1D2 - INvestigating Genetic Risk for type 1 Diabetes (2) - is an important study that aims to identify children with genetic markers that put them at ...

Nitrate and Nitrite - Diabetes and the Environment

The Story of the Icelandic Smoked Mutton and Type 1 Diabetes. Once upon a time, around 1980, researchers did a survey of all the people with type 1 diabetes in ...

‪Heidi Storgaard‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... genetic predisposition for type II diabetes mellitus. C Brøns, C Spohr, H ... born with low birth weight. C Brøns, CB Jensen, H Storgaard, A Alibegovic ...

‪Marja Vääräsmäki‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... children born to women with gestational diabetes in a general-population birth cohort ... diabetes mellitus highlights genetic links with type 2 diabetes. N ...

Type 2 diabetes risk starts in pregnancy | ScienceDaily

Dec 5, 2014 ... The vicious cycle of diabetes describes a scenario where people are becoming fatter, often with elevated levels of glucose, and at increased ...


“Association of Type 1 Diabetes and Educational Achievements in 16-20 year-olds: A Danish Nationwide Study”, with Emilie Lindkvist, Steffen Thorsen, Cecilie ...

‪Craig Jefferies‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

The Australasian Diabetes Data Network: first national audit of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. H Phelan, H Clapin, L Bruns, FJ Cameron, AM ...

Vaccines - Diabetes and the Environment

In the U.S., there was a 33% decrease in type 1 diabetes incidence in children fully (not partially) vaccinated with the rotavirus vaccine compared to ...

‪Linn Gillberg‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Genetic, nongenetic and epigenetic risk determinants in developmental programming of type 2 diabetes. A Vaag, C Brøns, L Gillberg, NS Hansen, L Hjort, GP ...

Microalbuminuria: Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications in ...

Jul 30, 2009 ... Coronary heart disease in young type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with and without diabetic nephropathy: incidence and risk factors.

PCBs - Diabetes and the Environment

Also in China, long-term PCB exposure was associated with a higher risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, especially in people with a higher genetic ...

‪Shannon E Scratch‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Neurological consequences of diabetic ketoacidosis at initial presentation of type 1 diabetes in a prospective cohort study of children ... children born very ...