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Something I have to say to those complaining about how much work ...

Feb 28, 2019 ... Something I have to say to those complaining about how much work Wolf of Saturn Six requires. ... How do you know people who complain are new ...

Delay going into reverse with Automatic Transmission

get a second opinion no matter what. You should call the dealer and ask them if they are familiar with the bulletin from Saturn and tell them that you are ...

Why the cancellation? (Capcom, SFA3)

Dec 4, 1998 ... issue by saying this: if you played the Saturn versions, you would shit the ... how anyone would dare say that. I'd say that Vampire ...

You stupid ass N64 lovers...

Which neither Playstation or Saturn conform to. Saturn certainly does (Sega recently instituted their own "5 star policy"). I'd even go so far to say Sega alone ...

Noisy lifters on DOHC '01?

Anyone else had this problem? Wow I don't think I've heard about clutch in a Saturn going at 52k. You are obviously not a newbie as you ...

Absolute PROOF that N64 is a hunk of shit...

" So what do you call someone who posts a > message of recycled ideas called ... not, and would not even survive on PSX or Saturn if they were ever

Who's better? Saturn SL2 or Honda Civic EX Sedan? (97)

I can't say that Saturn has ... drive other types of cars that do stuff like that. Also, I think the fact that you drive a Saturn makes people think you are


I beg of someone, anyone, to put me out of my misery and end this eternal torment." - Annonymous Japanese Game Developer. Well, there you have it ...

Why do Saturns burn oil?

Mar 15, 2002 ... I hear people talk about how normal it is for a Saturn over 100K to go through a quart every 1K miles. Yet, my 91 Honda CRX NEVER burned oil that much.

Consoles are Dying Off

... Saturn, and even if you ... >least not the current line of PC's" is stupid because they ARE! That was actually someone else's quote,but I did say that Sega rally ...

Consoles are Dying Off

... Saturn, and even if you ... >least not the current line of PC's" is stupid because they ARE! That was actually someone else's quote,but I did say that Sega rally ...

Will the N64 live up to its hype?! Just how much better is it from Sega ...

good games...and Sega is kickin' butt! Has anyone here seen the quicktime clip of Nights? Ooooohhh! YEAH! That's what I call a game! I wish Nintendo will get ...

X-Men Vs. SF Review!!!

If you don't have a Saturn, I would seriously recommend getting one ... >> concerning something which I won't even say cause people will >> remember ...

Creative hostnames

For example, the one I deal with is called eri. > >Does anyone out there have any creative hostnames for their machines? My main server is called "unseen" ...

Why is Super Mario 64 Boring?

not THE game, not the game that would squish the PSX ans Saturn like a little ... I didn't say people can't handle to full 3D movement. >I did say that people ...

U L T I M A T E reasons, which makes 3DO the best Next Generation ...

... you buy a playstation, Saturn, or Ultra 64, I would find it ... The cartridges are ROMs. You ought to be certain of your facts before calling other people

Why is Super Mario 64 Boring?

I own a Saturn; do I care if SM64 is boring? No. If I buy an N64, then I ... If you people are smart you'd just play Mario over your friends house and ...

Waldorf Watch - Steiner Static

... people will become what are commonly called ghosts. * For definitions ... We ourselves, being mere eggs of warmth during Old Saturn, would not become ...

Operational Efficiency: Eliminating Toil - Google SRE

The people best positioned to identify toil depend upon your organization. Ideally, they will be stakeholders, including those who will perform the actual work.