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Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 13 (2017)

They don't really understand what the gospel is saying. 27:00 - If I stumble ... And God, I just thank you that I can hear your voice and walk in your love - your ...

What Anger Can Do - Wanda Brunstetter

Sep 25, 2020 ... My brother was in an ... I love your books the bible verses you put in your books help me understand what God is saying in the bible.

Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 1 (2017)

25:15 - Transformation back to His image doesn't happen through my striving - So I can't read scripture and just bite my lip and love like God loves. I guess I ...

Love our neighbour - Pope Francis Homilies

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,. Today's Gospel Reading reminds us that the whole of Divine Law can be summed up in our love for God and neighbour.

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 10 (2011)

The Bible says that knowledge puffs you up but love edifies. If your only motivation is knowledge, knowledge will take the place of knowing Him. Your knowledge ...

Be Perfect, As Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect – Grace thru faith

Oct 5, 2022 ... ' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ' ...

Matt Olliffe - Philemon: The Useless Slave Becomes Useful ...

In verse 16, Paul says that Philemon should welcome Onesimus as a dear or beloved brother. ... Jesus and your love for all the saints. 6I pray that you may be ...

Matt Olliffe - Matthew 5:17-32: The True Nature of the Law Christ ...

Do you like the bit that say if you are angry with your brother or call him ... And God still says, 'Love your enemy, do good to those who hate you ...

Westminster Presbyterian Church - Meet the Pastor

When we were teenagers, my brother and I would pretend to be radio DJs. ... As teaching elder in the PCUSA, I love teaching the faith through Bible study and ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 13

... speak into my life, “What does she know. ... 53:00 - Pursue love desire gifts - You could be hungering for and pursuing spiritual gifts but the Bible says pursue ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 26

1 John is one of my favorite scripture passages regarding love and we never got there. ... It says if you catch your brother sinning... That wasn't the case. It ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Bishops

May 23, 2013 ... “Do you love me?”; “Are you my friend?”. The question is ... Never speak badly of your brother bishops, never. Closeness to the ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Church

... makes Jesus forget the essential, to love and save people. What does this gospel tell us on the anniversary of your Cathedral? That every church, that the ...

Money - Pope Francis Homilies

The true God does not offer a projection of our success but teaches us how to love. ... One thing that catches my attention is that Jesus never says "traitor"; he ...

Hungry - Pope Francis Homilies

Jun 5, 2013 ... And if your heart is hardened, you cannot love. You think that ... “Where is your brother in your heart? Is there room for these people ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - EW 2019 - Session 2

4 - Don't say, “Well, I've never felt the love of God.” No, believe the love of God. You don't have to feel it. Believe it. The strong point of your life is ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 22

He said, "Now that I see your love for Jesus and your love for one ... The Bible says don't you complain like they did lest you be destroyed like ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Surprises

Your Eminence, My Brother Bishops and Priests,. Dear Brothers and Sisters,. What joy I feel as I come to the house of the Mother of every Brazilian, ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 11 (2017)

You can go to bed at night and say, I so thank you for your love. ... 1:47:00 - Martha & Mary greet Jesus - Martha says, “If you had been here my brother would ...