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Islamic View of the Coming/Return of Jesus

Jesus was NOT KILLED but he simply DIED: ... teaching by the Companions of the Prophet of God as a COLLECTIVITY. By the death of the Prophet (S), Islam had ...

Executive Summary 1- It is forbidden in Islam to issue fatwas without ...

Apr 3, 2014 ... Indeed the Prophet said: 'So that people do not say that Muhammad killed his companions.' Narrated by. Bukhari in Kitab Tafsir al-Qur'an, no.

Pakistani court overturns Christian's death sentence for blasphemy ...

Oct 31, 2018 ... Pakistan's Supreme Court on Wednesday overturned the conviction of a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy against Islam's Prophet, ...


... killing people in defense of Islam to educating people about their understanding of Islam. ... > >> every Muslim, namely the Prophet of Islam, salallahu alaihi wa

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 302-1. The 377 signs of Prophet ...

Understanding the Gospels. The good news message from Allaah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad. 1.

3 killed, 100 others arrested in India after violence erupts over anti ...

Aug 12, 2020 ... 3 killed, 100 others arrested in India after violence erupts over anti-Islam Facebook post ... Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) sparked riots and ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 103. Hadith Prophet Jesus returning.

9. Jesus Isa can never return to this earth because after Jesus Isa was saved on the cross and continued his life he died a natural death 2000 years ago and ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 106. Hadith break the cross and kill ...

1. Break the cross and kill the pigs contradicts the good news message from Allaah for Jews and Christians delivered 1400 years ago by Prophet Muhammad.

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - Quran chapter 5 surah 5.

The third last revelation of guidance for all humankind in the Quran from Allaah before the death of Prophet Muhammad is Quran chapter 5. Entry to Paradise is ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 11-1. Understanding fighting in the ...

The difference between Prophet Muhammad and terrorism. Terrorists kill innocent Muslims and innocent non Muslims. Killing innocent Muslims and innocent non ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 101. The soul of Prophet Muhammad ...

Hadith Prophet Muhammad night journey to Jerusalem and Buraq. 1. In Quran 6:60 and Quran 39:42 the human soul is taken on a journey to Allaah at death and ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 306-8. Elijah showed what happens ...

The story of Prophet Elijah shows what happens when a human dies. Whenever a human is raised to heaven and Allaah by the angel of death it means the human has ...

Former Jackson State scholar and professor sentenced to death in ...

Dec 23, 2019 ... ... Prophet Muhammad on social media. ... Pakistani law states that blasphemy against Islam, Muhammad or any other religious figure is an automatic ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 111. Prophet Muhammad aorta cut.

The hadith story claiming Prophet Muhammad said “it feels like my aorta is being cut from that poison” was invented after the death of the prophet.

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 107-1. Hadith whoever changed his ...

Did Prophet Muhammad say whoever changed his Islamic religion then kill him according to hadith stories? 1. Hadith 1. Confirmed by the Quran. Sahih Bukhari Book ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 302-7. The Gospel of Luke chapters ...

Jesus and the prophet after Jesus confirmed that humans should not be afraid of the death of their human body. Humans should not be afraid of humans. See Gospel ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - 110. Prophet Muhammad created ...

The hadith story claiming Prophet Muhammad is created from light was invented after the death of the prophet. Abd al-Razzaq in his Musannaf. Zurqani in his ...

Hijrah I - Shakeel Mahate

He was killed shortly after the meeting with the prophet, he was killed by the tribe of Khazraj. ... In Sahih Muslim, Amr ibn Aas said: before Islam the Prophet ( ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - Quran chapter 38 surah 38.

... Islam.” The specific meaning of Islam is revealed 3 months before the death of Prophet Muhammad in the farewell speech of Prophet Muhammad in Quran 5:3 ...

Islam and the Quran. Allaah. - Quran chapter 47 surah 47.

Allaah will forgive even those who mocked Prophet Muhammad and those who plotted to kill Prophet Muhammad if they repent and ask Allaah for forgiveness in Quran ...