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‪Rajesh K. Mahato‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Assistant Professor, MANIT Bhopal ... RK Mahato, S Dey. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 146 (12), 04020083, 2020. 3, 2020. Formation of alternate river bars in ...

Dr. Rutuja Chavan-Pawar - Publications

Rutuja Chavan - A Bibliometric Review on Turbulence Modelling in River Hydraulics. ... in Bhopal City, M.P. Utilizing GIS and Water Quality Index, 27th ...

‪Zafar Beg‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Estimating discharge of the Ganga River from satellite altimeter data ... Groundwater dynamics in the betwa river catchment in central india. N Naik, Z ...

‪Dr. Rajeev Gandhi BG‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Flood Vulnerability Assessment Across Alaknanda River Basin using GIS-based combined analysis of geomorphometric approach and MCDM-AHP ... Estimation of the flow ...

Dr. Rutuja Chavan-Pawar - Students

Manjeet Dehariya - Study of Flow Field and Bed Morphology around Groynes in Series (2023) ... Research Scholars at MANIT Bhopal, Jointly with Dr. H. L. ...

‪Dr. Sheetal Sharma‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Statistical Change Detection in Water Cycle over Two Decades and Assessment of Impact of Urbanization on Surface and Sub-Surface Water Flows. S Sharma, A Bharat ...

P. Anoop (PhD, HWRE) - Research

... in Water and Environment (IPWE) Conference(2025), Bhopal. Pandey, A., Ojha R. (2024-25), Numerical comparison of available flow theories for modelling macropore ...

‪Shiblu Sarker, Ph.D., P.E.‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... BhopalVerified email at iiserb.ac.in. Pragati ... River and the Dynamic Imprint of the River's Flow: Brahmaputra River in Bangladesh.

‪Sanjeev Jha‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - ‪‪Cited by 1761‬‬ - ‪Sediment transport in open channels‬ ...

‪Somil Swarnkar‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... Bhopal| Postdoc Purdue UniversityVerified email at iiti.ac.in ... Channel morphodynamics and sediment budget of the Lower Ganga River using a hydro‐ ...

‪Dr. M. Manimaran‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Senior Asst. Professor (Sr Grade I), Dept of Computing Science & Engineering, VIT BHOPAL University. Verified email at vitbhopal.ac.in.

‪Prof. H L Tiwari‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

2011. Runoff modeling in Kolar river basin using hybrid approach of wavelet with artificial neural network ... Discharge relation for small Parshall flume in free ...

‪Rajiv Sinha‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

2012. Flood risk analysis in the Kosi river basin, north Bihar using multi-parametric approach of analytical hierarchy process (AHP). R Sinha, GV Bapalu, LK ...

‪Sharad Patel‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Co-authors. Gaurav KumarAssociate Professor, IISER BhopalVerified email at iiserb.ac.in ... Multiple Linear Regression Model for Stream Flow Estimation of ...

‪Harry Dixon‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Can nature-based solutions contribute to water security in Bhopal? ... The effect of record length on the analysis of river flow trends in Wales and central ...

‪Fabian Bombardelli‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

High-resolution numerical simulation of flow through a highly sinuous river reach. JF Rodriguez, FA Bombardelli, MH García, KM Frothingham, BL Rhoads, ... Water ...

‪Shobhit Singh‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... BhopalVerified email at iiserb.ac.in ... Exploring geomorphic controls and non-stationarity of flow extremes in flood risk analysis of a Himalayan river basin, ...

‪Sanjeev Jha‬ - ‪Google 학술 검색‬

Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - ‪‪인용 횟수 1738번‬‬ - ‪Sediment transport in open‬ ...

Dr. P. V. Timbadiya - Publications

Proceeding of HYDRO 2014 International at MANIT- Bhopal organized by MANIT-Bhopal and ISH. ... Shah, P. L. Patel (2009): Simulation of flow in Tapi river between ...

‪Sohail Bux‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Time series modeling and forecast of river flow. R Nigam, S Bux, S Nigam, KR ... 2015. Study of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Rectangular Micro Channel.