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How badly hurt from jumping off a roof?

Now, a high proportion of Scottish cats live in tenement flats. ... neighbors and they will check him out and take him to the vet if necessary. Cats can fall from ...

The physics of a falling cat - Google Answers

Dec 18, 2003 ... He was nearly hit by a cat falling from the top of a 9 story high rise apartment building. ... Also see: "How cats survive falls from New York ...

Why I and my company have moved away from Scala. An honest ...

Feb 12, 2017 ... I live and work in one of the biggest tech areas around. Finding Scala people who even know the language, not even looking for experts, is near ...

Chapter of the Week, BK 2, CH 4 - A Journey in the Dark

Buildings can be made of stone, which in that sense would normally ... eight-foot tall human being can jump twice as far as a four-foot tall human ...

PSA Closure Blog...

Apr 25, 2020 ... Can people survive without ... In our school, a large building which can feel institutional, lamps help create an atmosphere of hominess.

FCMS Wildcat Way - Entertainment

Olivia declared, “I am excited about the new pool because I live close, and I can go there all the time. ... He is quick, strong, is capable of jumping high, and ...

Making Angband More Difficult

everything you have" to kill many of the creatures, esp. uniques. I do admit that the removal of the wands of "Wall Building" was appropriate, and the scarcity ...

I think Hades is bad at everything (and I hate that) : r/Smite

Sep 15, 2019 ... You can easily jump out of it, beads out of it, etc. He's also ... does very high damage with her passive. She is predictable and ...

First Experimental "High Power Electronic Dog Whistle" Built and ...

But I wanted to explore building the lower-end Dog Whistle -- which, for example, only generates sound upon trigger press and can't listen and train on its own.

What is your first and fondest memories of WvW? : r/Guildwars2

Nov 9, 2019 ... Are you thinking of the secret room with cats? Back in the day a lot of people would chill there and randomly fight the enemies. It's mostly ...

Live-Action Version - BATK

to be whatever high-rise building is currently under construction in ... girls; Reenie does a high jump into the air; Serena takes a misstep and ...

Why I Returned SMAC

If you can survive long enough due to good placement, pods, or whatever you ... My high-tech attack aircraft can only strike once every two years, tops ...

garydwiddington - Daphne Stalley Family

We had bread and meat delivered from Newport. The Somerlite came round in a large van selling paraffin and all kinds of hardware. We collected the milk in a can ...

4 year old son on a KX65

other words most kids that age can't/don't go fast enough or jump high ... dog to prop up some dickless rich asshole when you can sell drugs and live

For those of you who like houseplants/gardening, what plants do ...

Apr 19, 2021 ... ... far I haven't had much luck. And a monstera adansonii. This one is rooting so I might actually get it growing if it can survive the winter ...

The Foraging Center - two-wheel-botanist

The unexpected obstacle was also too far across to jump over. A collision was inevitable. I ride over storm drain covers all the time. Every biker does, so I ...

CER Cats Falling Out of Windows

... high-rise buildings in urban ... -Why do cats who fall from greater distances suffer fewer injuries? -How do cats survive falls that would kill humans?

a southern gal in the north

Aug 20, 2015 ... i would love to see an apartment with evidence of more life in it. i bet many of us who live in apartments dont have minimal furnishings or ...

Rosen rebuts Koren

Would one go so far as to say that Gamelan or Gagaku is not music? Sure doesn't sound like Chopin to me. What the dead-horse beaters in this newsgroup don't ...

Want to electrify blinds to deter cat...

Note, as a puppy, she was about 30 pounds at the time. P.S. A battery can kill, even a nine volt one. I read an article, (maybe urban lore) about a high school ...