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Why do people think they're an exception? : r/childfree

Jun 15, 2021 ... I gave up dating. I don't want kids and I don't want to have to schedule my time around a kids time. I know I'm selfish which is why I am so ...

My husband grew up without a dad. My Dad is taking him on his first ...

Jun 11, 2021 ... He never had his own kids. He sacrificed that, to take care of myself, my big brother, and my mom. I gave that poor man absolute hell. He never ...

Non-American women, what are some things often brought up on ...

Dec 6, 2019 ... Where are you from and how does dating generally work there? I'm from Iceland and all these ideas of 1st, 2nd and 3rd dates, the man paying ect.

Stop saying your child free if you have a child : r/childfree

Jun 10, 2020 ... Wait - is that why people keep calling us CF folks irresponsible and selfish? Do they think we're okay with abandoning children? Are there tons ...

Should I (19F) break up with my boyfriend (29F)? : r/relationships

Aug 9, 2021 ... ... men out there that can give you deep conversations. I truly think he is using your age, inexperience, and sorry naivety to keep you in the ...

What was the most unexpected plot twist of your life? : r/AskWomen

Feb 8, 2021 ... ... up losing friends, a father, home, future, and my formative ... dating people who were bad for me, etc., I took a chance and accepted ...

I am SO tired of the tropes in relationship posts : r/TwoXChromosomes

Feb 16, 2021 ... Why are people dating these horrible people?! It wasn't on reddit but I once saw a post about a girl upset that her boyfriend didn't wash his ...

Strategies for Building a World-Class Network - eCommerceFuel

But over the last few years he's managed to connect with them personally, had the opportunity to get to know them, build up a personal relationships and even ...

r/gaming on Reddit: My grandma always told me that her life was ...

Nov 3, 2019 ... So I gave links when you had originally written but realized that it wasn't showing up, probably due to some sort of spam filter. Trying ...

What is the craziest excuse someone has given you that ended up ...

Dec 17, 2018 ... ... dating my mom once he was three hours late to pick her up on her house, she was furious until he said "I know I'm late but I have a great ...

What is the craziest excuse someone has given you that ended up ...

Dec 17, 2018 ... ... dating my mom once he was three hours late to pick her up on her house, she was furious until he said "I know I'm late but I have a great ...

Your #1 enemy of this wonderful hobby : r/boardgames

Mar 20, 2021 ... that contradict other things. Often times I feel like it's not perfectly clear what something does so I have to stop and look something up.

[TOMT] [VIDEO] Two guys show up for separate blind dates, but ...

May 24, 2019 ... There was another TOMT not long ago that also involved two dudes on a blind date that also wasn't Weird City. I didn't really think two dudes " ...

Mothers of siblings, what did you took way too serious with your first ...

May 10, 2021 ... I just smashed our dinner up and gave it to her. I just didn't have ... why men end up being closed off and not able to get physical ...

My mother's burnt offerings : r/nosleep

Sep 27, 2021 ... By the time I graduated from high school, Mom had given up on finding a man to be her “Head.” Since she knew that a “mere woman” like her ...

Men of Reddit, what's something you see a lot of men preach but ...

Nov 29, 2020 ... He was very helpful and a lot of advice that he gave actually helped in me finally quiting Cigarettes. He also checks up on me once a year to ...

A group of guys shamed me when i rejected an old man's sexual ...

Nov 8, 2021 ... ... being attractive to anyone but myself. I happily quit dating 15 years ago and am quite content. It is a lovely freedom. Upvote 3. Downvote Share.

r/AskWomen on Reddit: To all my tall ladies out there. How do you ...

Dec 21, 2020 ... The only things I didn't like about my height is that I grew up thinking men were supposed to be taller than their girlfriends, so my dating ...

Bachelors of Forget-Me-Not Valley… : r/harvestmoon

Sep 28, 2021 ... Cliff is warming up to me but something about jobless men triggers my flight reflex I'll probably need up with Karen. ... Reddit · reReddit ...

Have you noticed tendencies in your writing? : r/writing

Feb 1, 2021 ... ... up/regaining consciousness or similar. I don't always do it but it ... giving away our agency in our own lives. Upvote 10. Downvote Reply ...