About 1,069,092 results (5,073 milliseconds)

iTranslate Translator - Apps on Google Play

iTranslate Translator is a language translator app for text, voice, conversations, camera and photos. You can easily translate into over 100 languages by ...

Hindi - English Translator - Apps on Google Play

Dec 27, 2024 ... Unlock the power of language with our state-of-the-art Hindi-English and English-Hindi translator! Whether you're a student, traveler, ...

Spanish English Translator - Apps on Google Play

Spanish English Translator - English Dictionary is a free language translator app that helps you in english to spanish translation, spanish to english ...

Google Translate – Apps on Google Play

Text translation: Translate between 108 languages by typing • Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and tap the Google Translate icon to translate (all ...

Tatoeba | Mass Import of Sentences and Parallel Text Alignment

We could have sentences tagged by difficulty, and a lot more. All of ... Also, by personal experience, most sentences in Hindi or English were translated.

Google Translate

Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

Doing forced alignment with custom data

Sep 25, 2018 ... ... would like to get sentence level alignments, where each sentence consists of words. ... I have limited Hindi data, and I need to build a ...

Hindi English Translator - Apps on Google Play

Update Version 18: New section added to this update: Word Game. You can now play the word game and improve your English and learn new words daily.

Learn Hindi. Speak Hindi - Apps on Google Play

Start learning Hindi quickly and effectively with Mondly's free daily lessons! In just minutes you'll start memorizing core Hindi words, form sentences, ...

Speak and Translate Languages - Apps on Google Play

Speak and Translate – All Languages translator is an easy voice to voice translator and dictionary for your translation needs. This speech to translate app ...

How do I disable a non-enabled Google assistant language ...

Jan 14, 2019 ... Because I never speak Hindi and I am tired of Google converting my English sentences into Hindi. ... And assistant will no longer understand hindi ...

Tatoeba | Mass Import of Sentences and Parallel Text Alignment

We could have sentences tagged by difficulty, and a lot more. All of ... Also, by personal experience, most sentences in Hindi or English were translated.

My google assistant keeps talking to me in Hindi when my set ...

Mar 28, 2019 ... My google assistant keeps talking to me in Hindi when my set language is English. I have changed the language to English only and I keep ...


Some characters will have infinite costs for ... Examples of ground-truth annotation of grapheme cluster. (character) locations in Arabic, English, and Hindi PRAN ...

French English Translator - Apps on Google Play

Discover the most efficient and user-friendly app for translating between French and English. Designed with cutting-edge artificial intelligence, ...

Taking screenshots isn't allowed by the app or your organization ...

Sep 9, 2020 ... Just want to add as I have a Pixel 4a. I attempted to do a screen capture of my bank details within the banking app so I could send to someone ...

Language Translator iGlot - Apps on Google Play

Free Translator Translate all languages! Easily translate the most spoken languages in the United States: English, Spanish, Chinese ...

Change the language of Google Assistant - Android - Google Nest ...

English, Hindi. Indonesia, Indonesian. Ireland, English. Israel, English ... Contact us Tell us more and we'll help you get there. true. Change Google Nest ...