About 1,448,157 results (1,036 milliseconds)

i search the query "would have" sentence example but i got "could ...

Dec 2, 2024 ... In my point of view: You need to know about your promt structure to optimize Gemini result. You can take a look to this Documents: Prompting ...

How do I change a sentence from "Me" perspective to "Her ...

Feb 17, 2021 ... I would like to replace Sentences into another cell, changing the addressed person. From the "Me" perspective to the "Her" perspective. Example:.

Google doesn't allow you to translate sentences separately anymore ...

Jul 26, 2024 ... The best thing was that I would copy a few sentences to the box and would get separate translation for each sentence. Now GT translates them ...

Starting a sentence with "Wonder if ..." - Google Answers

Jul 15, 2004 ... If you are using it in the sense of "Think about this..." then it could actually be ok. But in general it is ugly slang. Subject: Re: Starting a ...

I would like every sentence to start with a capital letter. How can I set ...

Nov 19, 2020 ... Open your document and go to Tools > Preferences and check the box for "Automatically capitalize words." Then click on the blue OK button to save your changes.

Sentence Explanation in the Seventh Circuit: What's Good for the ...

Oct 5, 2010 ... Glosser (No. 08-4015), the judge made a promise to the defendant at his change-of-plea hearing that he would impose the statutory minimum 120- ...

Argument analysis: Justices struggle with interplay among federal ...

Mar 1, 2017 ... ... would be “more than sufficient for a sentence in this case.” But ... could impose a sentence of just one day for Dean's other crimes.

I would like to auto-capitalize i, but am unable to. - Google Docs ...

May 18, 2020 ... This won't cap the letter if it starts a sentence, but it will cap all those that are within sentences. To help influence future changes to ...

Affidavit Issue

The grammar was also incorrect, and in some sentences, I could not, through context, figure out who the implied subject was, etc. Basically, there was not ...

Trying to match named range to a sentence. - Google Docs Editors ...

Jan 20, 2025 ... I can get my formula to work if it is a single word but not if it is a sentence. I have tried a bunch of different formulas to no avail. I would ...

Example sentences in JMdict

would useful to get some feedback on the idea. Cheers Jim -- Jim Breen Adjunct Snr Research Fellow, Japanese Studies Centre, Monash University http://www.

grammar - Google Answers

Apr 30, 2005 ... The sentence could read: "Everyone -- especially me -- loves a soldier." The phrase "especially me" would function as an appositive (or ...

Concordance - Sentence View

... could copy the results to a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel) so that one column would nicely show the sentence concordance line. I really should add this ...

Italicizing One Word in a Dashed Sentence

Jun 21, 2021 ... I have a self-paced reading study where I use the DashedSentence Controller. I have already collected data for one experiment, I would like ...

Trying to match named range to a sentence. - Google Docs Editors ...

Jan 20, 2025 ... I can get my formula to work if it is a single word but not if it is a sentence. I have tried a bunch of different formulas to no avail. I would ...

Does alt text have to be a descriptive sentence or is it allowed to use ...

Jan 24, 2021 ... I wouldn't intend to use every single keyword that Vision AI provides in the example, however would it make sense to use one or two keywords ...

Argument analysis: Justices struggle with interplay among federal ...

Mar 1, 2017 ... ... would be “more than sufficient for a sentence in this case.” But ... could impose a sentence of just one day for Dean's other crimes.

Sentence Explanation in the Seventh Circuit: What's Good for the ...

Oct 5, 2010 ... Glosser (No. 08-4015), the judge made a promise to the defendant at his change-of-plea hearing that he would impose the statutory minimum 120- ...

Docs - how to repeat a sentence? - Google Docs Editors Community

Sep 13, 2021 ... I would normally recommend using Preferences, but that doesn't recognize capital letters or paragraph breaks. However, there's an add-on for Docs called Doc ...

Collocate horizons: any setting for sentence boundaries (stopping at ...

May 23, 2016 ... However, I'm just wondering whether there is a setting which would stop AntConc from searching for collocates across (beyond) sentence ...