About 1,886,792 results (3,826 milliseconds)

Roll starting EFI car

test the battery for free(AutoZone, Western Auto do). Take you battery out ... At that price, you could try it. You haven't got much to lose and it may ...

Dead 12v battery on 2011 think

jump/charge the 12 volt battery, from another car. I hope this will help in ... much better freeway car and I do much more freeway driving than she does.

How to successfully return a car battery to WalMart

of charge, as could be tested with a battery hydrometer is impossible. Recognizing this, the rigged battery tester charges the battery first, giving it a ...

mikefocke2 - batteries

It does charge faster if you are trying to use it as a charger. See my comments ... should be replaced and then the battery is ready to insert in the car.

mikefocke2 - checkenginelightcausedbymassairflowsensor

... auto parts stores (AutoZone is said to do it for free). There are many other ... much less than the dealer will charge and install it yourself. Total ...

Toyota Hybrid 12V Battery, Ouch!

The dealer??? > > The Prius battery, which is the same battery, costs $300 at the dealer > to replace. If your dealer charges $500, ...

Car battery matching with alternator

... car will draw out a smaller proportion of the battery's stored charge. Its terminal voltage won't drop as much as would be the case in a smaller battery. It ...

Alternator problem

cold here in central Canada) I put a battery charger on my car battery 2 or ... that Autozone and NAPA ones do) warning you to charge the battery before ...

What size nut goes onto a typical US passenger tire Schrader valve?

>is the biggest expense. > >Take o-rings for example. How much do they really cost? How much do they >sell for in the auto-parts store? The expense is not ...

Astro-Safari-Info - Batteries

It makes charging/jumping/adding accessories much easier and in most cases doesn't cost any more(shop around and use LAPS discounts). https://photos.app.goo ...

What's the most naive you've been in regards to a car? : r/cars

Nov 9, 2021 ... ... costs on the Kia are going to sting (pun!). There are significant costs relative to a new car that just aren't obvious when thinking "yeah I ...

1963 Avanti voltage regulator?

Price? 50 dollars!! Conclusion? Avanti needs a different charging system. Looks like a GM one wire is the contender. I cant bring myself to spend ...

US11584243B2 - Jump starting device with USB - Google Patents

If the car battery is connected in reverse, the internal lithium battery power shall never be switched to the vehicle battery connect port. USB charge circuit ...

a604 Limp, Rebuilt, Sensors replaced, solenoid replaced still Limps!

> asked "How much would you charge me to put a new transmission in this ... That's an OBD-1 scanner. Autozone does not sell these because when new they cost $2K ...

US9496720B2 - System for automatically gathering battery ...

... could later be used for warranty processing), battery cost, etc. In ... vehicle with battery charge control relative to a driving route. US5780974A ...

US20120182132A1 - System for automatically gathering battery ...

... could later be used for warranty processing), battery cost, etc. In addition ... Car Systems Company Battery charging and transfer system for electrically powered ...

Midas honesty

the car was not safe to drive like that, plus repairing it would cost more ... their managers much but makes them dependent on a commission. That sort of

US10608353B2 - Battery clamp - Google Patents

... vehicle with battery charge control relative to a driving route. US5780974A ... "Reducing the Cost of Maintaining VRLA Batteries in Telecom Applications ...

1996 gmc abs can't bleed

Much better unit. > The MODIS does seem like way to much to > dig out just ... Then, because it has to be ON to charge battery, and it doesn't shut ...

US7808211B2 - System and method for charging batteries - Google ...

Conceptually, the described battery charger is relatively simple and can be made inexpensively. The large size of the power transformer needed in many battery ...