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Hijrah from Non-Muslim lands - Shakeel Mahate

They made sujood but were killed anyway. The Prophet (SAWS) asked that they be paid half the blood money. He then said this hadith. We do know that the ...

Forty Hadith of Nawawi - Shakeel Mahate

... death of the Prophet/Messenger. Example: Yahya. His story is not mentioned in the Quran. He was one of the messengers killed by Bani Isra'eel -- they were ...

Usool al Fiqh Winter 2011 - Shakeel Mahate

Similarly in the case of the killing of dogs, they might have been some goal, purpose that the Prophet ordered the killing. ... sujood, is not definitive.

Fiqh of Financial Transactions 2011 Fall - Shakeel Mahate

Q: If these verses prohibiting Riba were almost revealed near the death of the prophet, then does that mean it was permissible before that? A: The opinion ...

Life of Imam Ali Zainul Abideen Ibne Imam Hussein Ibne Ali (AS)

Mar 6, 2021 ... ... him dearly When two yrs old grandpa Ali is assassinated Back to Medina ... Sujood to touch a clean Turbah. This was recommended so that a ...

Asking for help from Imam's (as) - Marefate AhleBait(as)

Then return to Sujood (Prostration) and say the same 110 times and then ... Prophet Muhammad (saww) gives blessings even after death. كنز الفوائد ...


I swear that I heard the PROPHET (SAWW) repeat this three times an hour before his death, “O ABAL - HASAN ! Do not breech the trust of the pious nor the immoral ...

Qunoot An-Nawazil (Qunoot at Times of Calamity) - (18/12/16)

... killed the Companions (of the Holy Prophet) at Bi'r Ma'una. He cursed (the tribes) of Ri'l, Dhakwan, Lihyan, and Usayya, who had disobeyed Allah and His ...

Al Qawaaid al Fiqhiyyah - Shakeel Mahate

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling ...

Gems of Guidance from Imam Ali(as) - Marefate AhleBait(as)

... SUJOOD (prostration) in their hearts. And then Shaytan guides them toward ... So Qabil envied his brother and killed him. Qabil is one of the twelve ...

Merits of clay/dust of the grave of Imam ... - Marefate AhleBait(as)

"O Allah! ... salvation from any evil, and protection from that which I fear and from which I am wary." Zaid bin Osamah continued: I have been using it ever since ...

Muslim Character : Backbiting

... Sujood, he is not careful about avoiding Najasah (impurities), isn't ... Prophet Muhammad (SAS) and he is the best of example for mankind. If we ...

The Lives of Hasan al Banna & Syed Qutb.

The. Ikhwan were even involved in the 1948 Yemenite revolution which attempted to enthrone Qadi Abdullah Ibn Ahmad alWazir as Imam of Yemen after the death of ...